Monday, August 14, 2017

July 31, 2017: Companion prank

July 24, 2017: Elder Holland's thoughts

Hey familia!
Sounds like you all had an amazing week!  That is so awesome to hear about Leah! You keep reading that is amazing and Kai sounds like you had an awesome week as well! Efy is an amazing place! I don't have much time to write this week as we only have about 45 minutes in the chapel but I want you to know how much I love each and every one of you! My mind has been on a constant reflection recently of these past 20 years!  I can't believe it! It feels like yesterday I was just a kid growing up in Salt Lake in our old home! There has been so many good memories! I have been so blessed with such a great family and great life and although I have not seen him in person I have seen the lords hand in my life throughout! He's been there the whole time! I have been going through some hard times these past two weeks! I have been having some crazy dreams and some crazy feelings come over me! I do not know why?  I heard a quote from Jeffrey r Holland "To all of these and so many more, I say: Cling to your faith. Hold on to your hope. ‘Pray always, and be believing’ [​D&C 90:24​]. Indeed, as Paul wrote of Abraham, he ‘against [all] hope believed in hope’ and ‘staggered not … through unbelief.’ He was ‘strong in faith’ and was ‘fully persuaded that, what [God] had promised, he was able … to perform’ [​Romans 4:18, 20–21​]. …
​​​​“… Some blessings come soon, some come late, and some don’t come until heaven; but for those who embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ, ​they come​” (​“An High Priest of Good Things to Come,”​​ Ensign,​ Nov. 1999, 36, 38)." I think sometimes in life we come to a halt in the road! We're are testimony doesn't start to fade away but your are waiting for blessings or needed strength for the moment that you are at in your life! As we hold on to our faith in these times and we are patient the Lord can humble is an mend us and sanctify us! 

I love you guys so much you are always in my prayers, love you!