Monday, August 14, 2017

July 31, 2017: Companion prank

July 24, 2017: Elder Holland's thoughts

Hey familia!
Sounds like you all had an amazing week!  That is so awesome to hear about Leah! You keep reading that is amazing and Kai sounds like you had an awesome week as well! Efy is an amazing place! I don't have much time to write this week as we only have about 45 minutes in the chapel but I want you to know how much I love each and every one of you! My mind has been on a constant reflection recently of these past 20 years!  I can't believe it! It feels like yesterday I was just a kid growing up in Salt Lake in our old home! There has been so many good memories! I have been so blessed with such a great family and great life and although I have not seen him in person I have seen the lords hand in my life throughout! He's been there the whole time! I have been going through some hard times these past two weeks! I have been having some crazy dreams and some crazy feelings come over me! I do not know why?  I heard a quote from Jeffrey r Holland "To all of these and so many more, I say: Cling to your faith. Hold on to your hope. ‘Pray always, and be believing’ [​D&C 90:24​]. Indeed, as Paul wrote of Abraham, he ‘against [all] hope believed in hope’ and ‘staggered not … through unbelief.’ He was ‘strong in faith’ and was ‘fully persuaded that, what [God] had promised, he was able … to perform’ [​Romans 4:18, 20–21​]. …
​​​​“… Some blessings come soon, some come late, and some don’t come until heaven; but for those who embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ, ​they come​” (​“An High Priest of Good Things to Come,”​​ Ensign,​ Nov. 1999, 36, 38)." I think sometimes in life we come to a halt in the road! We're are testimony doesn't start to fade away but your are waiting for blessings or needed strength for the moment that you are at in your life! As we hold on to our faith in these times and we are patient the Lord can humble is an mend us and sanctify us! 

I love you guys so much you are always in my prayers, love you!

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

July 17. 2017: Flat on fire and my love for Peter.

Hey family hope all is well! Thank you for all the pictures you have
been sending! They are awesome it's crazy to see how old you all look
now! Haha -well this week went pretty good!  This Sunday in church I had
to give a talk in sacrament meeting, teach the gospel principles
lesson, and teach elders quorum! It was crazy!  We did have a good week
though! The assistants went on exchange with us this week and I went contacting with
Elder Klingler.  While we were out this block flat caught on
fire! We were standing outside of Mike's flat (a previous investigator that
lived on the top floor), he went on to his balcony and shouted out to us elders 
"what's up??".. giving us a thumbs up.  But he was
completely unaware of the burning fire below him! The
firefighters ended up having to get a lift to get him down, he was
smiling the whole time! It was pretty funny! 
This week I was reading through the life of all the presidents of the
 church it was amazing to read and get to know all of them! 
They all were so valiant with their testimonies of Jesus Christ! 
Something president Lorenzo Snow said really touched my heart:
​​​​“If we could read in detail the life of Abraham, or the lives of
other great and holy men, we would doubtless find that their efforts
to be righteous were not always crowned with success. Hence we should
not be discouraged if we should be overcome in a weak moment; but, on
the contrary, straightway repent of the error or the wrong we may have
committed, and as far as possible repair it, and then seek to God for
renewed strength to go on and do better. …
​​​​“If the Apostle Peter had become discouraged at his manifest
failure to maintain the position that he had taken to stand by the
Savior under all circumstances, he would have lost all; whereas, by
repenting and persevering he lost nothing but gained all, leaving us
too to profit by his experience. The Latter-day Saints should
cultivate this ambition constantly which was so clearly set forth by
the Apostles in former days. We should try to walk each day so that
our conscience would be void of offense before everybody. … We must
not allow ourselves to be discouraged whenever we discover our
I love this so much I love this example he used! If there is anybody I
feel like in this life it is Peter! To be fair after reading the New
Testament I think Peter has become one of my all time favorite! Just
because I feel I can relate to him so much! Peter loved the savior
so much and he tried his earnest to follow him, but fell short time after
time! One of my favorite examples of Peter I laugh at every
time  I read is:
Matthew 16;21,24
21 ​​¶ ​From that time forth began Jesus to shew unto his disciples,
how that he must go unto Jerusalem, and suffer many things of the
elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be ​​​raised​
again the third day.
​​​​​22 ​Then Peter took him, and began to rebuke him, saying, Be it
far from thee, Lord: this shall not be unto thee.
​​​​​23 ​But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me,
Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou ​​​savourest​ not the
things that be of God, but those that be of men.
​​​​​24 ​​¶ ​​​​Then​ said Jesus unto his disciples, If any ​man​ will
come after me, let him ​​​deny​ himself, and take up his ​​​cross​,
and ​​​follow​ ​​​me​.

I love this so much! All Peter wanted to show and tell the Lord is
that he didn't want anyone to hurt him, and he wouldn't let that happen.
But the savior turns around and rebukes him! He probably was like man
I can't do anything right! But that is why I love Peter so much he
stayed humble and stayed by the saviors side and was patient and
in the end he became one of Christ's greatest followers to ever walk
the earth! I love peters example and I pray that I may be just as patient with
myself! I have gained such a testimony that the Lord sanctifies our
afflictions, but I learned we must be patient
and humble enough to let him!
Elder Tuita

Sunday, June 25, 2017

June 19, 2017: Being a missionary brings change.

Hey fam hope all is well don't have much time this week but I love you
all! This week has been a good one! We've got a lot of stuff going for
us, but with that there is a lot of opposition! I've been pondering
and praying a lot though for guidance! I had an answer come to me last
night the piano guys performed for us, I can't remember who said it and what was
exactly said- but it went along the lines of when you surrender your
life to God he will make more out of you then you yourself could ever
do in this lifetime! It hit me hard! I've come to notice that it's
easy to come out on a mission and just adapt or change your behaviour
for two years but when you go home nothing will have changed! I think
President David O'McKay said it best- the whole point of the gospel is
to make bad men good, good men better and to change human nature! Being
on a mission I have come to notice so much!  I have learned the difference 
between a change in behaviour, to adapt to mission rules, then to experience the
mighty change of heart and to have our fallen natures changed. I
believe a mission can help us learn the process better of
becoming good men, to having our natures changed by submitting our all
to the will of the Savior for two years! I have had a lot of ups and
down and trials and tribulations but not one of them I feel was for
vain! They all have contributed for my benefit for my eternal growth
here on this earth! I think in the process of life it is so easy to
always look for the next step and miss the crucial refining, process
that occurs in between them! My mission has been such a great learning
refining and growing experience I am greatful for this opportunity to
serve and minister to heavenly fathers children! I know this is his

Elder Tuita

June 12, 2017

Dear family,
Hope this week went good for you guys! I saw those pictures they were
awesome so many good memories....where did the time go?  It's crazy to
think how fast time has gone! Well it's officially been 9 months now!
That's crazy! It feels like a life time! Things with Elder Stanley
are going good he is a fast learner! We are finding some good people to
teach as well! We have about 4 people that are on the verge of being
baptised! It stresses me out to the core! I don't know how Heavenly
Father does it man? This week we were teaching this bloke named
Robert! While we were talking to him somehow he fainted and we had to
take him to the hospital. It was crazy, when he was in the hospital he
told us he had this feeling that he needed to come to Christ! It was
pretty cool! Another girl named Kristina we had just had a great
lesson with her, but after the lesson she expressed to  us how she felt like
she couldn't go on and didn't have the willpower to go to work
anymore! So we told her to pray and ask Heavenly Father for help and
strength! That day at work power went off and her work sent her home! It was crazy
she called us in tears! Other than that everything is going pretty
well! I had this crazy dream this week though! In my dream I literally
went through all the major events in my high school life,  it
got to the point where I decided to go on a mission. In my dream I decided instead
to go to a year of school first! Nothing good came from it. The things happening
in my dream were nothing compared from the way my
mission has blessed my life! I think heavenly father was helping know
that I had made the right decision! I woke up in tears! These past 9
months have brought so much happiness into my life and have taught me
so much! I am so great full for this gospel and this plan we have to
come here to learn and grow!  I miss you guys a lot though! Just know
that I love you so so much
Elder Tuita

Elder Stanley and I

May 29 & June 5, 2017: Bradford and Training

Hey family  (June 5),
Sorry I have no time to write today we are on extended pday as well we
have just had a crazy day! Yeah so you guys found out I'm training now
it's crazy! It's really weird having a new missionary! He is really
innocent good guy likes to work hard so I'm exited for it! His name is
Elder Stanley he is from Eugene Oregon! He is 19 as well but he went
to a year of school first! He literally try's to copy everything I do!
It's quite funny! He also ask me permission for everything! Like he
asks permission to use the toilet! I love him though! I'm not gonna
lie being a trainer is a daunting experience! I didn't expect
president to call me to train! There was only two elders coming into
the mission so I though president would of just had someone a lot more
experienced do it! But it's been great experience I have really felt
the lords love during this time! I pray a lot that he may help me! As
far as safety goes, you don't need to worry! Bradford is like all
Muslim! Like I don't think you understand it's like I'm serving in
Pakistan right now! Like for everybody is Muslim or Iranian! Like out
of 10 people 7 of them are Iranian here! We eat Pakistanian food like
I kid you not! So with that being said they
wouldn't try anything here in Bradford because they would harm to many
Muslims! Like I'm probably in the safest part of England right now!
Trust me and with that being said I'm still being very cautious! Well
I love you guys so much! I wish I could only express to you how much
you all mean to me! I love you family have a great week!

Dear family:  (May 29)
I love you guys hope this week went well! England is crazy right now
and I'm right in the thick of it! There are a lot of things going on
between the Muslims and the white people right now! It's crazy Leeds
and Bradford have some big threats going on right now!  We were
walking through this community and people were yelling Muhammad at us
it was crazy! We have gunners on like every street corner! We don't
proselyte in town anymore or go to places where there are a lot of
people! It's crazy though because being in Bradford it's like the
whole city! For some reason through all of
it, I've felt completely safe! We went into this food place, there
were about 30 people in the store and we were the only non Muslim people!
These people started yelling at us and then the other people protected
us and threw them ouT! It was funny this guy was yelling at me and
elder Livingston telling us we don't follow God and he told us to
prove it by showing him that we were circumcised! He was yelling in
the store pull down your pants show me your dick right now! In his
Iranion accent was so funny! I have got so many crazy stories for
you guys when I get home! Just know I'm safe and you have nothing to
worry about! Love you guys

My three roomates, two are zone leaders that live with us, and Elder Livingston is my companion on the right of me.  He is the future quaterback for BYU!

May, 1 2017: Good news from Grimsby

Man Bradford is just great right now! I really love it here I had a pretty cool experience happen to me this week that was a real testimony builder! A while backwhile I was serving in Grimsby, I got a call from one of the young women in the ward saying she needed a blessing.  I'm like okay... we'll be over in an hour!  We started over on the way there, and I got a call from bishop telling me the situation Sarah was in! He told me that her mission call had just been appealed because of a health issue and that she was trying to get it reinstated! Bishop said the chances of this happening and getting her papers reinstated weren't the best and was very unlikely, he told me not do or say anything crazy during the blessing, having been told this I got there confused and kind of scared! I talked to Sarah a little more about the situation and her hopes weren't the best! She told me she basically just wanted a comfort blessing to comfort her! I asked her to see if she thought there was any chance and she didn't really seem too hopeful! She said she had been going through this whole long process of interviews and it wasn't looking too good! So I basically went into the blessing with the mindset that this blessing was just a comfort blessing for her to find peace from this hard time! I placed my hands on her head and started giving her the blessing! Half way through, I got the strongest impression to tell her that she was going on a mission! I'm like there's no way? I pushed the feeling away and continued on.  Sure enough the longer I went on with the blessing the stronger the impression came! Finally it came to the end of the blessing and I was about to close and the impression came again stronger than ever!  So  I paused for a second and then it just came out! I can't remember exactly what was said but I remember saying that soon she would be walking amongst people in a foreign land serving the Lord as a missionary for his church! That there were people that the Lord was preparing right now that are waiting for her! When the words came out I remember the spirit just being so strong! She was sobbing I remember my companion looking up and staring at me like what did I just do?  But I remember in that moment the spirit whispering to me that that was what needed to be said and that is what the Lord wanted to tell her! I closed the blessing and right after the blessing was shocked!  She asked me if I was sure? I told her that I didn't say it the Lord said I was just his vessel! Even Elder Mcctavish thought I was nuts! Anyway about a day ago I got an email from her and this is what it said:
"Dear Sister Duncan,
You are hereby called to serve as missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. You are assigned to labour in the Canada Edmonton Mission.
You should report to the Provo Missionary Training Center on Tuesday, July 25, 2017 (the day of my birthday). You will prepare to preach the gospel in the English language."
I was so happy for her! I learned just how powerful his blessings can be!
Elder Tuita

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

April 24, 2017: My new area!!...Bradford!!

April 10, 2017: 2 New Baptisms

Hey family.... I love you guys so much and hope everything is going good at
home! Sorry this letter will be kind of short! All is well in the land
of Grimsby! I miss you guys a ton though it looks like you guys had a
ton of fun this week! Very jealous! I miss you guys so much! It seems
like an eternity since we said good bye, but I love you guys and know
it's all worth it! You have to keep me updated on how all you
are doing! This week went really good! This week in the mission we had 7
baptisms scheduled and only 2 of them went through! The adversary is
real! We also got to see Ben pass the sacrament this week it was
great! The flowers are out and it's so beautiful I'll send some
pictures I love you guys and hope you have a great week!  Love Elder Tuita

April 3, 2017: Beauty of England

Family and friends,
As always I send my love and my dearest regards from England and hope
that everyone is enjoying this special time of the year! We are just
hitting the spring time here in England and there are very few words
that I could use to describe resplendence and exquisite beauty that is
in the air right now! Things are going pretty good here Grimsby! We
have alot of crazy things happen lately! One thing I've learned
through it all is that God will never break a promise.

Our investigators are doing very well! We have about 20 that we're
working with right now! Five of them could be baptised right now, but
there just not married or have word of wisdom issues! We also have
about 3 families we are working with right now! One of them has two
little girls that are Josie and Leah's age! Every time we go over they
put on a little dancing show! It all is so tough watching them because
it always makes me feel like I'm watching my little sisters! We have
been so busy lately it's nuts!  I guess it's a good thing though! One
thing that I love so much is  the variety of culture we are teaching
right now! We have people from Africa, Poland, china, Germany, Latvia
, czec republic, Ireland, Russia its crazy the cultures and stuff are
very different but is so cool to be around them all!  They all have
different traditions and stuff they do, it's great! I love you guys and
hope you all have a great week!  Elder Tuita

March 20, 2017 I made Pani-popo!!

March 13: Shortest Letter Ever!

Hey family I don't have much time to write this week but it has been
good! We just had transfers and I am staying in Grimsby again it is
all good though! I'm sorry for the lack of time to write but we had
some lessons today and I am only getting time to write now! This week
was good though! Paul and Gale went to the temple the other day it was
really good they told me they had a wonderful time! After church this
Sunday I did a fashion shoot for the YSA it was pretty funny! Other
than that it went really good love you guys!
Elder Tuita

March 6, 2017 Giving Blessings

Dear family and friends,
Today marks 6 months of being out in the mission field! It seems like
I just left to the MTC yesterday! I have loved every minute of it
though! I have come to love it here in England so much!  The people
here have really grown on me and I have learned to love them so much!
This week was so busy! I honestly don't know sometimes how I am even
able to function! We had a whole bunch of lessons this week, we have
been traveling everywhere for meetings, we had tons of things
to plan for! We are literally so busy sometimes we just don't eat!
Which really gets Elder Mcctavish, because man that kid is always
hungry! I had the privilege of giving a lot of blessings this week
which was really cool! I always get so nervous before I give them
because I always fear I will not know what to say! I remember though I
got half way through one and immediately the fear went away! It's
amazing the power you feel when you give one! You can always feel the
love that Heavenly Father has for that person! Anyway everything is
going great I miss you all and hope you all have a great week!

Elder Tuita

February 27, 2017: Embarking on the Lords errand.

Hope all is well family and friends!
This week went by really fast! I can't believe how fast time is going! In a week it will have marked 6 months of being out in the mission field! It's crazy! The past couple days have been very emotional as I've pondered and reflected about some of the experiences that have occurred over the  previous 6 months. I remember the day President Hinton set me apart, I didn't really know what to expect?   You see, since I was young I always knew and had made the descion to serve a mission. I had always planned though to go to a year of school first! For some reason though, after lots of fasting and prayer, I knew the the Lord wanted me to serve right after graduating high school! I didn't know why but I just knew I needed to go! Sitting here now writing this to you I am glad I did because now, I understand something that i didnt understand before I came out on my mission. I've come to understand and know my Savior better! I remember when my grandpa Sioasi passed away, it was tough because I felt I really didn't get know my grandfather as well as I would have liked to. I felt I really didn't know him it at all!  When we went down for his funeral service I was able to read stories of him, see pictures of him! One thing I did know he loved was music,  and I remember my cousin Benson playing a jazz version of "I am a child of God", the spirit was so strong! It's almost as if I felt my grandpas presence there!  I felt connected to him because I felt like I understood and knew him better because we were doing those things he loved! Anytime my brother would play the piano, I could feel my grandpas spirit so strongly!  Being out on my mission has done the same thing but it has helped me come to understand my Savior more! Before my mission I felt like I was close to him and that he was there for me and knew and cared for me! But being out on a mission has helped me to come to understand and know him even more! Being in this capacity as a missionary we are constantly embarked on the Lords errand! Doing these things just like my grandpa has made me feel closer and come to know him better! 
Love elder Tuita 

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

February 20, 2017: Our Irish friend: Darrough

Monday, February 6, 2017

February 6, 2017: Gale, haircuts and Saturday's!

  Hope all is well! It's been a crazy couple of weeks here in
Grimsby! Gale was just baptized last week! She's the investigator that
took us to the football match! It went really good! Except the actual
part of baptizing her took 30 minutes! She has a fear of water! I
probably tried getting her under the water like 100 times! It was
crazy! I finally just turned to her and said I'm sorry Gail said the
prayer again then tripped her feet out from beneath her and pushed her
under water! It was incredible, Bishop was just laughing! I felt bad
for her but after we took her home she started crying and told us how
happy she felt, it was really cool! We told her that she was feeling the
  I also got to cut one of my recent converts hair this week! It
was sweet! He looked so good after I cut it,...I promise I did a great job!
But I guess he didn't like it so he just shaved it all off!  He's
passing the sacrament now and his hair was just getting out of control
so I told him if I beat him in bowling he would have to let me cut it!
I gave him a pretty bad beating, hence him having to let me cut his
      Elder Clanton left this week which was pretty sad, but my new
companion is pretty cool! He is from Canada, his name is Elder Mctavish!
I don't know about other missionaries, but Saturday night and
the morning of church are the most stressful hours of my life as a
missionary!  Arranging rides and getting investigators to church is
the most stressful thing ever! We had 6 investigators confirmed for
church and we could not find a ride for the other 3 I called everyone!....
no one wanted to do it! We ended up finding a ride for one of our
investigators (Innese) and her kids! The other investigators we had to go pick
them up and walk with them to church! To be fair, it is all worth it
though because once you are seated and you see everyone in church it
is just so awesome! I sat next to Innese and her kids during service.
We were singing the hymn and I looked over at Innese, she had her arms
around her kids! I remember just looking at them seeing how happy they were,
the spirit was so strong! It is such an amazing feeling to bring the same
happiness that has brought your family so much peace to other
families! I am so grateful for this opportunity to serve alongside
the Lord and am grateful for this gospel! I will close with one of my favorite
things that I have heard on my mission.  It is a quote
from the prophet Joseph Smith! "What do we here in the gospel that we
have received,,,,truth out of the earth,,,mercy from heaven,, a voice
of gladness for the living and the dead,,,shall we not go on in such
great a cause"
Love you all -Elder Tuita

 Pictures in order:
Top: Professional Football Game with Elder Clampton and Sis Gale
Sis Gale, our most recent baptism
Elder Clampton and I at a ward member's home.
Bro. Smith and his finished haircut! I cut his hair!
Ward Family Home
Studious Elder Tuita..hahah

January 16, 2017 : I love this city

Monday, January 2, 2017

January 2, 2016: Anna

Dear family and friends,
Hope all is well family and friends! I am sorry for not being able to
write home the last few weeks!  I hope everyone has had a good
Christmas time! We had a great Christmas here in England! It was very
cool being able to celebrate Christmas with all the different cultures
and traditions here in Grimsby! This week in Grimsby we had a really
cool experience this week! This week as a district we made it a focus
to try by former investigators! Which we didn't really have any former
investigators we could stop by.  Anyway, the week went by and I had a
dream about an investigator that Elder Omondi and I used to teach! Her
name  is Anna and we stopped seeing her about a month and half ago
because we couldn't get in contact with her.  After Elder Omondi got transferred, I
took Elder Clanton several times and she was never in and we could
never get in contact with her so we stopped going by! Anyway, after the dream I didn't
think much of it.  I got up and went through my normal morning routine. I
got to my  personal study that morning,   I started to read a talk
by Howard W. Hunter about the story of Jesus walking on water! This is
what he said:

"In [the disciples’] moment of greatest extremity they looked and saw
in the darkness an image in a fluttering robe, walking toward them on
the ridges of the sea. They cried out in terror at the sight, thinking
that it was a phantom that walked upon the waves. And through the
storm and darkness to them--as so often to us, when, amid the
darknesses of life, the ocean seems so great and our little boats so
small--there came the ultimate and reassuring voice of peace with this
simple declaration, ‘It is I; be not afraid.’ Peter exclaimed, ‘Lord,
if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water.’ And Christ’s
answer to him was the same as to all of us: ‘Come.’“Peter sprang over
the vessel’s side and into the troubled waves, and while his eyes were
fixed upon the Lord, the wind might toss his hair and the spray might
drench his robes, but all was well. Only when with wavering faith he
removed his glance from the Master to look at the furious waves and
the black gulf beneath him, only then did he begin to sink. Again,
like most of us, he cried, ‘Lord, save me.’ Nor did Jesus fail him. He
stretched out his hand and grasped the drowning disciple with the
gentle rebuke, ‘O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?’"

After reading this I got the impression that we needed to go by Anna!
I kept pushing it away thinking maybe another time, on a day that
would be little bit more convenient.  You see buses were not running
that day and our day was filled with stuff to do and I didn't see how
we could fit it in! I also just thought that maybe I was crazy! It
wasn't convenient so I didn't think anymore of it and continued on to
the schedule we had! The problem was the more the day went on the more
the prompting came and the more I felt we needed to go see her!
Anyway the prompting started to stir inside me so much I couldn't take
it anymore! I thought of the story I had read earlier that morning, when
Peter was asked by the Savior to come unto him out on the
water he had enough faith just to listen right away and Sprang over
the boat and walked towards the Savior! It was about 5pm and we were
heading to a lesson with recent convert and was about an hours walk
away from Anna's, but it got to the point where I felt we really needed
to go so despite the inconvenience.  We stopped what we were doing and
started walking towards Anna's! As we walked to Anna's I started questioning
a little the feeling I was having! Maybe I was just going crazy maybe
we weren't meant to go see her! I began to feel uneasy and started to
worry and think what if we go and it's nothing we would have wasted so
much time! I remember praying to Heavenly Father pleading that I
wasn't going crazy and that this is where you wanted us to go! We
arrived finally and when we did the house was dark the blinds were
shut and there was no sign that she was home! I remember standing in
front of her house thinking really,?.we had walked all this way just
for her not to be home again! We hadn't even knocked on the door and I
was already starting to doubt! I walked up to her door and gave it a
good knock and waited!  Nothing, I became uneasy thinking well maybe
she didn't hear and gave it one more really loud knock! I stood there
waiting and waiting but nothing! She was not home once again just as I
suspected!  I was devastated!  I remember looking down at the ground in
front of her door with tired legs in complete discouragement! Thinking
why Heavenly Father why, why did you let me walk all this way just for
nothing?  As I stood there facing the
door feeling like as if I were "drowning" I heard a gate open and in a
very polish accent the words "hello....Elders?"!  I don't think I will
ever forget that moment in my life!  Emotions came flooding into me!
Could it be?  I turned around and there she was! It was as if time had
stopped! I stood there looking at this old frail polished lady and for a
moment it was as if I could feel the Savior  stretching out his hand
to me and saying, ‘Oh Elder Tuita , wherefore didst thou doubt?’ The
spirit overcame me! I couldn't believe it! I could feel tears come to
me!  Realizing that I had been standing there in silence for a while, I
pulled myself back together and asked her how she was doing? We came
to find out that this whole time, the whole month in a half we hadn't
seen her she had been trying to get a hold of us! She had switched
her work hours to work in the night( that's why we couldn't get ahold
of her because we were only trying in the night) and that night she
had gotten off early! She told me that we were an answer  to her
prayer, and that last night she was really feeling down and she prayed that God
would do something or send someone to show her the way! She invited us
in and it was the most spiritual lesson we ever had!  Earlier, Elder Omondi
and I had given her a Book Of Mormon and she she had read it and written in
it and had questions! We answered them and taught her the restoration and she loved it!
She wants to be baptized but will have to first be able to get
Sunday's off so she can come to church! After we left we went back to
the flat and I went up to the room! I was just so thankful! I can't
put into words the feeling and the emotions that came to me in that
room! I learned two important lessons from that day! First, is that
sometimes we are tempted to let our lives be controlled or motivated
more by convenience rather then yielding to the promptings of the
Holy Ghost. It is not always convenient to live gospel standards and
stand up for truth and testify of his gospel. It sometimes isn't
convenient to share the gospel with random strangers on the street. It
isn’t always convenient to respond to spiritual promptings! In fact
most spiritual experiences that we can have, rarely come at convenient
times. But there is no spiritual power in living our life by
convenience. The power comes as we strive to do what the Lord wants us
to do no matter how inconvenient it may seem at the time! And finally
the second lesson I learned that day is the the Savior as long as we
have faith in him will never fail us! Sometimes in life like Peter,
there will be wind and storms in our life that can cause us to doubt
and cause us to feel as if we are drowning!
When this happens remember to never doubt and to remember the words of
the Savior of us all "Be of good cheer it is I be not afraid" I
testify  that I know that my redeemer lives and because he lives and
loves us we have nothing to fear! I love you all and pray that we will
always remember that when ever we feel as if the storms and winds of
life come in our life he will be there to lift us and to comfort us!

Love Elder Tuita